An Approach to develop pages for IE8 Beta 1 and Mozilla Firefox 3 Beta 4 simultaneously

April 25, 2008

Hey Folks! I have an approach to develop and test web pages on IE 8 and also with other browsers like firefox 3 for web application at a same time. Normally we do use multiple IE tool to develop pages for all the IE browsers versions till IE 6 when you have IE7 as primary browser. Installing IE8 Beta 1 will be having a button to switch to IE 7. But you may not get an option to work on multiple firefox browsers versions at the same time.

To work on all the browsers like IE6, IE7, IE8 Beta1, Firefox 1.5, Firefox 2.0.1, Firefox 3 beta 4 you will need one more CPU box along with your existing. Using a controller you can switch two CPUs on your single monitor to develop pages for your entire browsers by installing IE6, IE7, IE8 Beta1 and Firefox 1.5 to a CPU and Firefox 3 beta 4 with the other one.

This is my approach…If you have any other approach do reply to this post, that would be appreciated. Thanks.

One Response to “An Approach to develop pages for IE8 Beta 1 and Mozilla Firefox 3 Beta 4 simultaneously”

  1. Rafi Ali Khan Says:

    This is great approach Udhay, but i guess you should put some screenshot and also a little bit more detail about the controller that can actually switch two CPUs on a single monitor. Maybe a small diagram etc would really help also to understand the setup. Will this controller switch also work if its two different OS and how do you manage the code is it through a simple network share, so that at all times you are seeing the same version on all the browsers.

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